Mandela Effect (The Original 1978 Superman Costume Has CHRISTOPHER REEVES On the Tag!!)

Another instance of a celebrity whose name just changed out of the blue, losing the final "s".  As many recall, it was such a coincidence that Superman was played by two actors with the exact same last name decades apart. George Reeves and Christopher Reeves. Post Mandela Effect, George kept his "s", but Christopher didn't.  In case this video vanishes, there are screen shots here. The name is faded, but "Christopher Reeves" is printed on the tag of his original costume. 


  1. I'm 100% certain it was Christopher Reeve, without an "S". I think it's very unlikely that Christopher Reeve, who played Superman in the movie, would've been confused with George Reeves, the television actor, who's virtually unknown today.

    1. I don't think anybody confused the two actors at all. On the contrary, people noticed that they had the same last name. With the Mandela Effect, your 100% means nothing since you can find hundreds of other people who remember "Reeeves". I'm working on a post about Christopher REEVES right now.

  2. Exactly. I'm just telling you how I remember it, but that doesn't mean other people can't remember something else.


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