John Jacob Jingleheimer...

This is weird. I came across this photo of a record of the popular children's song "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt", but instead of "Schmidt", it says "Smith".  

As soon as I saw it, I thought, "It should be "Schmidt", but at the same time, "Smith" doesn't look or sound wrong either. I kept singing it and it's like I kind of remember both. Were there two versions of this song like the Lord's Prayer, which people keep saying is an ME when it's not? 
I had this Children's Favorites album as a kid and the song is listed as John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. What do you guys remember? 



  1. Wow. This one is weird too. I used to sing that song all the time as a kid, and it was definitely Schmidt. I grew up with Schmidts and had a college suitemate named Smith. I definitely notice differences in the name. It was always Schmidt. Smith doesn't even roll off the tongue the same way.

    1. Yes! If you sing it out loud, the "th" on the end of "Smith" is kinda awkward to pronounce!


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