Globe Changes

In this video by Alan Brooks, we see The Beatles surrounded by globe balloons that show residue of old world geography. 

Here we see the location of North and South America with South America directly beneath North America instead of today's "SE America".

Here we see The Mediterranean Sea being open with The Strait of Gibraltar creating a wide passageway. Compare it to the modern Earth with the strait being so narrow that it looks like you could practically swim to Africa from Spain.

The shape of Japan is different, showing three distinct islands that are clearly separated. Now, the shape and size of each island is completely different as well as being squished together. Japan's smallest island, Shikoku isn't even on the map.

In the photo below, you can faintly see Sicily, which is relatively far away from the tip of the boot of Italy. Now, they're almost touching.

In the next photo, we can see the bottom tip of Africa (with Antarctica at the bottom of the globe) and next to it, we can see that Madagascar is southwest of Africa and relatively far away. It seems to practically line up with S. Africa. 

In today's world, Madagascar is farther up near Mozambique and pretty close to the continent. Also in the old photo, Madagascar is two islands where nowadays, it's one island. Did they decide to switch with New Zealand, LOL?
